lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

Husein Johnson - Spectral Echoes (2009)

Demonios, es escaso el material que nos hacen llegar espero pronto se escuche mas por aquÍ, por lo pronto iré publicando dos bandas mensualmente y sin desesperarse, Espero disfruten leyendo esta pequeña reseña llena de sandeces: si no vayan directo al link bandcamp debajo y escuchen el disco completo es excelente!....

Husein Johnson es una banda proveniente de españa, no tengo información acerca de los integrantes o de donde les nació la idea de tocar stoner rock con huevos! lo que se es que es un power trio haciendo lo que les gusta, sin miedo y sin medirse el grado de agresividad... En esta ocasión les presentaré este su primer disco del 2009, me mandaron otro trabajo mas reciente pero lo dejaré para un poco despues...

En una calurosa jodida tarde

Motorvampire podría llegar a ser un clásico de esta banda muy característico sonido pesado setentero riff de dos o tres notas muy simple que nos lleva a una carretera y con nuestra motocicleta acelerando a 150 sin tener miedo a morir. El riff es muy setentero, no se sus influencias pero bien podría decirse que la mente creativa de este power trio viene directamente de black sabbath, sir lord baltimore, tal vez motorhead, la voz del cantante me recuerda al envejecido lemmy jaja...

Siempre en la historia del stoner rock, heavy rock y blues rock la meta ha sido sonar lo más austero posible, el track going home es un pedazo de canción. Sinceramente refresca mis sucias orejas de lo que siempre suelo escuchar (wicked lady, stooges) últimamente he perdido la costumbre de ir tras la caza de bandas viejas de heavy rock pero un día me desperté y dije "al carajo debe haber material nuevo de bandas acutales que igual rompan traseros".

La guitarra esta excelente trabajada, en mi caso siempre me ha costado hacer riffs y cantar, me confundo y termino olvidando lo que se iba a cantar o el riff suena de la mierda, el caso contrario ocurre aquí, Electric Eel tiene una parte de solo sencilla (sin virtuosismo, que no se necesita) pero impresionante y una coordinacion impecable mientras canta, le preguntaría yo al guitarrista-vocalista: como diablos le haces tío? jajaja...

Sin empleo pero con heavy rock

Y bien mientras yo sigo preparándome para buscar un trabajo de diseñador web (así es en méxico, estudias, buscas trabajo y te das cuenta que no aprendiste nada, regresas a los benditos libros y sales a buscar un trabajo digno) bien, yo aquí con este maldito calor de 29 grados, sin playera y sin cerveza ni una linda chica, jaja maldita vida moderna... Estos tipos me logran enganchar con su sucio heavy rock, The land of thousand mills tiene ese coro pegajoso y derrepente escucho esos riffs sabbathicos rápidos, despues un bendito solo de wah wah, es la magia de la música, del buen heavy rock!

Ahora he borrado la mayoria de mis discos robados mp3 de heavy metal ochentero me dí cuenta que empalagan y apesta la mayoría y agrego uno mas a mi colección de joyas del stoner rock del siglo XXI, me quiero hacer un tipo john peel robin hood del underground para que mis hermanos latinos tomen el ejemplo y toquen stoner heavy rock (el clima de américa latina se adapta excelente a este tipo sucio de música), es una empresa dificil, más vivendo entre una ciudad que desparrama ignorancia por toneladas. La zona metropolitana de la maldita ciudad de méxico...

Bien hermanos Husein!, les debo decir que me agradó bastante su disco, el track zombie es pesado con madres, un atascadero de feedback al final quedó perfecto, burn in hell, going up the stairs es un tema bien realizado, tranquilo y sereno para terminar con un solo de guitarra que bien se puede decir termina explotando el tema, los veteranos de vietnam y el track final tres dioses de oro. Apoyen a esta banda y escuchen sus temas y si es posible compren sus discos!...

Listen spectral echoes here:

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015

The New Freaks - Scraps And Jams DEMO

Amigos de sonidos primitivos, el giro del blog ha cambiado y ahora apoyo la nueva música stoner/heavy rock del mundo de nosotros los que vamos empezando y somos desconocidos. Sigan leyendo y apoyen el blog, si desean discos publicados anteriormente les recomiendo vayan al blog de Electric sabbath o al conocido Aftersabbath!...

Just as I expected!..., the first demo to come is a two guy making a heavy stoner rock doom heavy psych band called "The new freaks". The first info about them: they have been reading the blog since we opened by 2011 and this is the band of Andrew Gomez and the drummer Collins from U.S.A, so people who read this, hats off and respect for this band and lets hear some examples of how you could begin to build your own projects without fear!


The New Freaks:

This is my first experience listening to people with the passion for making music and composing some heavy rock/ stoner music. The first track from their soundcloud demo jam is amazing. (the truth is that I'v been listening only to a few old heavy rock music and I get lose about the new scene since January 2013) so, the main riff is like a demo recorded by Gypsy Moth from 1985 (I love that stuff from gypsy moth), it sounds like an authentic song structure I could imagine how the voices and lyrics of this first track be like, maybe a growled and dirty voice, kind of Buffalo or Creedende! just imagine!... Or the voice of a girl!, I don't know about bands playing heavy rock where a girl sings, that could be amazing! If you know a band like that just put the name in the comments section.

The next track is an acoustic take, I don't know who will sing on this project but to be honest they know well maybe by intuition or because they took the example of every album that we here in sonidos primitivos had been published and discovered and loved to sickness! I told to you all this words because I think that every masterpiece need to have their highs and lows, the speed of an alcoholic night with noise and beautiful girls... and the relaxing night with yourself and some weed or just a glass of cold water!...

For example, the track Pyramids have an amazing slow and heavy guitar riff, its like some kind of sickness crawling for your ears! I need to listen whole song in a near future on the final release...
Some tracks like "tr ashy" remembers of my band, we improvise whole live set and we have a song with this rhythm I forget the name maybe "rockabilly?" hahaha... The next one needs more fluency, maybe because there is a semi clean guitar, I think a clean guitar needs to have more cares, more detail for enjoy the sounds, is a good take! a kind of Hendrix minor and major 9s at guitar... cmon you can compose a good one by this song structure, really i like it, it gives more variety to the classic all power chord album!...

New freaks picture for this demos.

I'm not a stoner doom expert but I'm a stoner with internet:

I will pray for you about finding a good bass player, I'm not talking about a bass virtuoso, I'm talking about somebody who play more by ear because this will help you to play long jam tracks or to improvise if you want to do some psychedelic long tracks while playing live, a bass player who knows when he should have the main presence while improvising and to know when he must left to only play drone notes when the guitarist is soloing... hahaha!...

The drummer plays amazing man!, he knows well the classic style of the 70's, he knows some techniques for drummers; maybe by ear or learning by himself. I dont know anything about drummers but he can blast a classic tom hits like mitch mitchell does or Ginger in the cream cover...btw this cover have your own sound style... step by step you need to have your own sound, that people need to say when they listen to some riffs of a song: "God, this track are from new freaks".

This is the important fact, about giving birth to your own sound its important working on this specially the guitar that have the main presence on your demos, the playing of Andrew is fine I think he don't need more he does exactly what he wants to and is not bad!, there is a example that we are not virtuosos but we are hooked with music and we love music!, and for a strange reason some virtuoso or people who says about themselves be artists are the worst people that I've ever know (talking about latin america) but I  have know some foreign people like classical guitarists from asia or europe that are humble and friendly people, maybe this is a variable from country to country!...

I will wait for the final release for this demos, so keep reading and listening the works from The New Freaks!...